Showing Symptoms
He used to throw a live turtle into a fire, when it crawled out, would throw it back into the fire again many times until it died. Not too long after that he asked for an ordination. Three months later he put on his robe and poured the petrol all over himself and lit the fire.
Aid in Burma Dried Tear
The garage owner escapes from sins by joining the ordination
The real man has to be ordained at least one Buddhist Lent. One of the monks in the mass ordination projects unveiled his profile and inner experience.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Setting oneself up properly in life (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Blessing Six :- Setting oneself up properly in life
โครงการ Smart Camp
ดรุณสิกขาลัยปั้นว่าที่วิศวกร นำร่องรับคน-สภาอุตฯผนึกมจธ.ร่วมสอน
Change The World Speech Contest 2011
Details of Change The World Speech Contest 2011. Please join it to bright the world together!!
Sustainable Ethical Development
Sustainable Ethical Development Program